"Although the world has found substitutes for every one of ivory's practical uses — billiard balls, piano keys, brush handles — its religious use is frozen in amber and its role as a political symbol persists." Bryan Christy, National Geographic October 2012 Issue.
The Philippines is still one of the world’s major Roman Catholic countries, its century of devotion and worship to Catholicism can be traced as to the foundation of its oldest churches, festivals and traditions that root up since the Spaniards invaded the archipelago. The church endorses the use of iconic images and statue that are so called holy and wildly patronize by each community as to their celebration of fiestas and feasts. That’s the reason why in every barangay there is a patron saint.
These saints are locally made up of wood, iron, rocks and even precious metals, stones and ivory, which is allegedly subjected to 1981 signatory of the Philippines to (CITES) Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of the Fauna and Flora. One of the provisions included was the prohibition of the killing, selling, buying and collecting of endangered species.
The Philippines is still one of the world’s major Roman Catholic countries, its century of devotion and worship to Catholicism can be traced as to the foundation of its oldest churches, festivals and traditions that root up since the Spaniards invaded the archipelago. The church endorses the use of iconic images and statue that are so called holy and wildly patronize by each community as to their celebration of fiestas and feasts. That’s the reason why in every barangay there is a patron saint.
These saints are locally made up of wood, iron, rocks and even precious metals, stones and ivory, which is allegedly subjected to 1981 signatory of the Philippines to (CITES) Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of the Fauna and Flora. One of the provisions included was the prohibition of the killing, selling, buying and collecting of endangered species.
Our Constitution under Republic Act 9147 or the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act implements a maximum of two years imprisonment and a fine of P300, 000.00 on anyone found guilty of processing products from endangered species. While those who are traded and collected before the treaty is considered legal and uncovered by these laws.
On the last seven years over 19 tons of smuggled ivory has been bound in the country that are equivalent to 1,747 African elephant. These figures represent only those who were intercepted by the Bureau of Custom (BOC). In October 2005, around 6,000 kilograms of elephant tusks from Africa were intercepted by BOC, after four years two container vans from Africa were again intercepted containing thousand of ivory tusks worth P100 million pesos.
Can this business ever be stop? Is it really matter if we would pray and bend our knees over saints made up of local materials? Would you condemn these religious icons for the sake of those elephant that are being pouch and murdered for the use of their tusks? Don’t you ever realize that the images and icons that you are devoting to were once living and freely enjoying the youthfulness of life?
On the last seven years over 19 tons of smuggled ivory has been bound in the country that are equivalent to 1,747 African elephant. These figures represent only those who were intercepted by the Bureau of Custom (BOC). In October 2005, around 6,000 kilograms of elephant tusks from Africa were intercepted by BOC, after four years two container vans from Africa were again intercepted containing thousand of ivory tusks worth P100 million pesos.
Can this business ever be stop? Is it really matter if we would pray and bend our knees over saints made up of local materials? Would you condemn these religious icons for the sake of those elephant that are being pouch and murdered for the use of their tusks? Don’t you ever realize that the images and icons that you are devoting to were once living and freely enjoying the youthfulness of life?
They are Wonderfully Created
Elephants is known symbol of wisdom in Asian cultures and recognized as to their memory and intelligence that is comparable as with the dolphins and primates. They are the largest land mammals in two extant genera of the family Elephantidae Elephas, Loxodonta, and the extinct Mammathus.
Three living species of elephants were recognized: the Asian Elephant or the Indian Elephant, African Bush Elephant, and the African Forest Elephant. Their gestation period is the longest on the planet in 22 months time. At birth, an elephant calf typically weighs 105 kilograms. Usually they live for 50 to 70 years.
The proboscis or their trunk is a fusion of their nose and upper lip, elongated and specialized to become the most important and versatile appendage of the elephant. Their trunk consists of 150,000 separate muscle fascicles, giving it strength and flexibility. These trunk is sensitive enough to pick up a single blade of grass, yet strong enough to rip the branches of a tree. The trunk is also used for drinking , they suck water up to 14 liters at a time, then blow it into their mouth. It is also used when spraying water to their bodies when bathing. Their trunks also serve as excellent snorkel when swimming. Young uses their trunk in tearing up their food and then places it in their mouths. When their desired food is very high, they will wrap their trunks around the tree or branch and shakes it or simply knock the tree down. In their social interaction, this appendage serves a key role, familiar elephants will greet each other by entwining their trunks as if shaking hand to human. They also use them while playing wrestling, caressing during courtship, for mother and child interactions, for dominance displays, for warning or threats, for defense and for submission. Their trunk has highly develop sense of smell, they can determine the location of their friends, enemies and food sources by raising their trunk in the air and by swiveling it from side to side.
Species of elephants are typically grayish, but Africans appear brownish or reddish. Elephant skin is very thick and is extremely tough around its body that measure 2.5 metres thick. Although tough, their skin is very sensitive and always subjected to ultra violet radiation. They need regular mud bath to protect their skin and the mud serves as a sunscreen and protection insect bites and moisture loss, it also regulates their body temperature. This process is called Wallowing. Asian was more hairy than their African neighbor this is common to young calves because they are usually covered with a thick coat or brownish red fuzz from the time of their birth. As they get older, this hair darkens and become lighter.
Species of elephants are typically grayish, but Africans appear brownish or reddish. Elephant skin is very thick and is extremely tough around its body that measure 2.5 metres thick. Although tough, their skin is very sensitive and always subjected to ultra violet radiation. They need regular mud bath to protect their skin and the mud serves as a sunscreen and protection insect bites and moisture loss, it also regulates their body temperature. This process is called Wallowing. Asian was more hairy than their African neighbor this is common to young calves because they are usually covered with a thick coat or brownish red fuzz from the time of their birth. As they get older, this hair darkens and become lighter.
The two large flapping ears of an elephant play a very important role in regulating their body temperature. On hot days their ears flap constantly creating a slight breeze that cools their blood vessels that help their blood to circulate all over their body. Due to geographical location of their habitat, African elephants have bigger ears because Africa is near the equator where it is warmer, while the Asian Elephants have smaller ears because Asian elephant live northern where the temperature is cooler. During mating season, elephants male intimidate its rival by spreading its ears out wide for them to look bigger.
African elephants can stand for a very long period of time, they will just lie down when sick or wounded while the Asian elephant lie down frequently. The feet of the elephant are nearly round; they have three nails on each hind foot and five on each front foot. Their legs are roughly shaped like columns or pillars as they support their big bodies. Elephant needs less muscular power to stand because of its straight legs and large padded feet. Their legs can sink deep into mud, but can pull their legs easier because it becomes smaller when they are lifted. They can swim well in despite of their big bodies, they cannot gallop, trot nor jump.
Elephants have 28 teeth; 12 molars consisting 3 in each side of each jaw,12 premolars consisting 3 in each side of each jaw, the milk precursors of the tusks, and two upper second incisors which are the tusks. Unlike other mammals elephants have cycles of tooth rotation throughout their entire lives. They could even replace five to six times in their entire life. Their two sets of tusks grow continuously and may reach 18 cm in a year. Tusks are used to dig for water, salt, roots and debarking trees, when clearing a path, to mark their territory and as weapons.
Like humans who are typically right or left -handed, they were usually right of left handed tusked. The master tusk which is the dominantly used tusk is generally shorter and more rounded at the tip from wear. Both male and female African elephants have large tusks that can reach over 3 meters and weigh over 90 kg while in Asian species only the males have large tusks. Females have smaller if not it is absent.
Dramatically Poached Elephants
These sets of tusk can be a curse to these wonderfully created animals because it drives poachers and hunters to kill and hunt them for their pure ivory tusks. The ivory trade is the primary reason that the population of the elephant decreases over the past centuries and continues to diminish at present times. Helpless elephants were leave disfigured till death; as their tusks were buried deeply under their skin, poachers cut off their heads to fully get this precious ivory. A number of baby elephants were left orphaned after their mothers were brutally killed for art and devotion sakes. When these baby will survive and grow maturely, they will again be killed and pouch for their tusks. And if action were not implemented, elephants will be forever extinct as what happen to mammoths, their close relative and other animals that gone extinction because of mans greediness and for art and decoration sake.
Elephant Tusks Evolved Smaller in the last Century
A report says that in the last 150 years the world’s elephant population has evolved much smaller tusks. Experts and scientists believe that the rapid evolution of these mammals is due to poaching. The zoologists from Oxford University suggest that ivory poachers, who go for the largest males with the largest tusks, have caused the breeding behavior of the animals to change rapidly in a short time. Tusks are important in elephants breeding behavior; male with the largest tusks is more successful in intimidating male with smaller tusks. Bigger tusks also matter in fighting with other male elephants to win the females.
When these largest animals were hunt and killed, it changes their breeding pattern. The smaller males with their smaller tusks breed more successfully having their offspring their genetic property, resulting to smaller elephant and tusks.
When these largest animals were hunt and killed, it changes their breeding pattern. The smaller males with their smaller tusks breed more successfully having their offspring their genetic property, resulting to smaller elephant and tusks.
Church Innovated Ivory Crafted Images
The Vatican has recently demonstrated a commitment to confront transnational criminal problems, but it has not signed the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) treaty and so is not subjected to the ivory ban.
Earliest ivory carving known were made in the Old Stone Age, but it flourished under the Byzantine Empire in the 5th and 6th centuries and from the 10th to 13th century. Christian figures, symbols and scenes, book covers, boxes, shrines, crosiers, crucifixes, door panels, thrones and altars were the subjects often depicted from ivory. In Europe during the reigns of Charlemagne and his successors in the 9th and 10th centuries, elaborately carved ivory book covers, reliquaries, and altar pieces were produced. Ivory has been considered luxurious because of its quality, its fine grain, creamy light color, smooth texture and soft lustre.
Earliest ivory carving known were made in the Old Stone Age, but it flourished under the Byzantine Empire in the 5th and 6th centuries and from the 10th to 13th century. Christian figures, symbols and scenes, book covers, boxes, shrines, crosiers, crucifixes, door panels, thrones and altars were the subjects often depicted from ivory. In Europe during the reigns of Charlemagne and his successors in the 9th and 10th centuries, elaborately carved ivory book covers, reliquaries, and altar pieces were produced. Ivory has been considered luxurious because of its quality, its fine grain, creamy light color, smooth texture and soft lustre.
Ivory Crafted Images
The Philippines has become one of the destinations of illegal ivory trade mainly because Filipinos worships so many saints and statue made of ivory and some respected priest would encourage to invest on original ivory and to buy a new one mainly because of fake ivory out in the market. Many also believe that investing to your own religious icons will determine what blessings you will have in return; some is not contented with fiberglass made or wood. The province of Cebu is particularly noted for their devotion to the Santo Niño. In an interview made by Bryan Christy of National Geographic to Father Vicente Lina, Jr. (Father Jay), director of the Diocesan Museum of Malolos “If you are not devoted to the Santo Niño, you are not a true Filipino,” and he urge that every Filipinos has a Santo Niño in their houses even those who are living under the bridge.
Some devotee who owns these ivory crafted images don’t even considered these things as luxury, they consider at as their offering to God and some consider these saints as God himself and not a representation. Since the Philippines belongs to the third world country where people are living below the poverty line, many become devotee to these patron saints hoping for miracles, in this way Filipinos seemed to rely on their faith and believe for their dreams and aspirations.
Some devotee who owns these ivory crafted images don’t even considered these things as luxury, they consider at as their offering to God and some consider these saints as God himself and not a representation. Since the Philippines belongs to the third world country where people are living below the poverty line, many become devotee to these patron saints hoping for miracles, in this way Filipinos seemed to rely on their faith and believe for their dreams and aspirations.
"It has always seemed miraculous to me that these colossal animals can move noiselessly through the bush, and are thus able to surround one without warning."
—Joy Adamson in Born Free.
These gigantic land mammals were one of the most magnificently created life on Earth, they cause no harm for humans thus helping humans in their everyday work. These animals like humans do have the right against poaching, because it is merely senseless. I could personally say that praying to these religious icons and saints is not a way to worship Christ or God. “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” 1 Timothy 2:5. We don’t need to find any way to pray and send our messages with because he is simply there watching and seeing us from above.
The use of these ivory crafted images only shows how artistic man is, but it is also a reflection of how greediness man would be in terms of earning a living. Man would embark everything for its need and therefore doesn’t mind how many of these elephants have been massacred. Our life is just equal to their life as the way we are breathing, we may be the highest created organism, but it is not an excuse for us to abuse and oppress animal rights. God has put us here to serve as protector and care taker of his creations; we are not here to serve as predator of everything.
Remember that although you are not the one involved in the poaching and illegal trading, you are contributing a lot to its existence and business, because a business would not run if there is no consumer. Before you bend your knees and pray think first, am I bending and sending my prayers to these animal parts? Are we sure that someone is misguiding our believe? “For false Christ’s and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.” Matthew 24:24.
—Joy Adamson in Born Free.
These gigantic land mammals were one of the most magnificently created life on Earth, they cause no harm for humans thus helping humans in their everyday work. These animals like humans do have the right against poaching, because it is merely senseless. I could personally say that praying to these religious icons and saints is not a way to worship Christ or God. “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” 1 Timothy 2:5. We don’t need to find any way to pray and send our messages with because he is simply there watching and seeing us from above.
The use of these ivory crafted images only shows how artistic man is, but it is also a reflection of how greediness man would be in terms of earning a living. Man would embark everything for its need and therefore doesn’t mind how many of these elephants have been massacred. Our life is just equal to their life as the way we are breathing, we may be the highest created organism, but it is not an excuse for us to abuse and oppress animal rights. God has put us here to serve as protector and care taker of his creations; we are not here to serve as predator of everything.
Remember that although you are not the one involved in the poaching and illegal trading, you are contributing a lot to its existence and business, because a business would not run if there is no consumer. Before you bend your knees and pray think first, am I bending and sending my prayers to these animal parts? Are we sure that someone is misguiding our believe? “For false Christ’s and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.” Matthew 24:24.