“Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals.” -George Orwell, Animal Farm.
Human being is the top on the bio-diversities food chain; he is the prime predator, the world’s renowned hunter. He may not have claws and jaws as powerful as those of the king of the jungle, nor a super strength as those of the elephants, he may not swim the deep seas, nor fly the open air but he had always proven that his mind is powerful enough to overcome his deficits.
He had defeated the roaming monsters in the ancient times and even brought it to their extinction. From being nomads to permanent settlers, our ancestors have cultivated the lands, burn the forests and turn it into rice fields and even domesticated wild animals for their food and services.
Since then man controls everything, human multiply rapidly, he put the lower creation in captivity, he abuse them, he eat them, he experimented them, he uses them for leisure’s and for his own interest.
Human being is the top on the bio-diversities food chain; he is the prime predator, the world’s renowned hunter. He may not have claws and jaws as powerful as those of the king of the jungle, nor a super strength as those of the elephants, he may not swim the deep seas, nor fly the open air but he had always proven that his mind is powerful enough to overcome his deficits.
He had defeated the roaming monsters in the ancient times and even brought it to their extinction. From being nomads to permanent settlers, our ancestors have cultivated the lands, burn the forests and turn it into rice fields and even domesticated wild animals for their food and services.
Since then man controls everything, human multiply rapidly, he put the lower creation in captivity, he abuse them, he eat them, he experimented them, he uses them for leisure’s and for his own interest.
Man’s endorses dictatorship towards nature, he build dams, nuclear facilities, power plants, he dug the earth for fossil fuels, he excavate nature for precious stones, above all he destroyed our planet and today he is thinking for solution in combating the phenomena he had started.
Humanity thinks that nature exists because of them, that God put nature in the first place for man to survive but it’s the opposite, our creator puts us in a governed nature where we human was just a part of it. We are the direct descendants of Adam and Eve who supposedly the custodian of nature and animals. We are copied directly from God’s image that’s the prime reason why we are on his creation’s apex, we have will and soul we have conscience and moral values, but we all breath the same air, we drink water, we need sunlight, we raise and have our own family we all show love.
Man’s supremacy towards nature and animal is unquestionable; the questions may only arise when he abuses this authority, when his greediness prevails over his intelligence, when he thinks of himself first, when he construct justice over his studied philosophy, when his hypothesis is inconsistent, and when he thinks he is the sole creation.
If we can conclude man’s intelligence therefore it is possible to question Gods purpose on this world, I mean if there is a creator why was these things happen in the first place? Does he loved those street cats and dogs who feed on human left over, does he ever care for those elephants who are slaughtered for their tusks for man’s religion purpose, does he hear the moan of animals kept in zoo who has been separated from his family, did he ever pay attention to the ozone’s depletion, when there are evidences and manifestations of humans prayer being heard and granted why does it seemed that there’s no vestige of his care to these planet, to his fishes and birds, to his animals, to his mountain and plains, to his seas, to the forest and to all those who suffering today.
Humanity thinks that nature exists because of them, that God put nature in the first place for man to survive but it’s the opposite, our creator puts us in a governed nature where we human was just a part of it. We are the direct descendants of Adam and Eve who supposedly the custodian of nature and animals. We are copied directly from God’s image that’s the prime reason why we are on his creation’s apex, we have will and soul we have conscience and moral values, but we all breath the same air, we drink water, we need sunlight, we raise and have our own family we all show love.
Man’s supremacy towards nature and animal is unquestionable; the questions may only arise when he abuses this authority, when his greediness prevails over his intelligence, when he thinks of himself first, when he construct justice over his studied philosophy, when his hypothesis is inconsistent, and when he thinks he is the sole creation.
If we can conclude man’s intelligence therefore it is possible to question Gods purpose on this world, I mean if there is a creator why was these things happen in the first place? Does he loved those street cats and dogs who feed on human left over, does he ever care for those elephants who are slaughtered for their tusks for man’s religion purpose, does he hear the moan of animals kept in zoo who has been separated from his family, did he ever pay attention to the ozone’s depletion, when there are evidences and manifestations of humans prayer being heard and granted why does it seemed that there’s no vestige of his care to these planet, to his fishes and birds, to his animals, to his mountain and plains, to his seas, to the forest and to all those who suffering today.