"Friends are the most important part of your life. Treasure the tears, treasure the laughter, but most importantly, treasure the memories."-Dave Brenner.
Although we Filipinos are family intact with our brothers and sisters same with our cousins and other relatives each in every one of us value a non family related person, a person in despite of gender, age, socio-economic class and belief have a mutual feeling and it is friendship.
In an era where the technologies are everywhere and the continuing commercialism of everything our speedy and comfortable lifestyle, the sloth machines are everywhere that once you’ve drop a coin you could have easy access to a specific service, but do you ever think or just imagine if somebody has invented a sloth machine where you could easily get a friend?, well I think no one could do that or at least nobody will invest to that friendship. Friendship must go to a test of time; it must go deep and identical, and you can never earn through a period of time.
Although we Filipinos are family intact with our brothers and sisters same with our cousins and other relatives each in every one of us value a non family related person, a person in despite of gender, age, socio-economic class and belief have a mutual feeling and it is friendship.
In an era where the technologies are everywhere and the continuing commercialism of everything our speedy and comfortable lifestyle, the sloth machines are everywhere that once you’ve drop a coin you could have easy access to a specific service, but do you ever think or just imagine if somebody has invented a sloth machine where you could easily get a friend?, well I think no one could do that or at least nobody will invest to that friendship. Friendship must go to a test of time; it must go deep and identical, and you can never earn through a period of time.

True friends and friendship usually starts on our childhood days and goes through our golden years. It starts with sharing the same toys that you both like nor the same dreams you want to achieve or the foolishness that you both have. And as the time goes that you both maybe separated by mountains, oceans or continents or million miles away because of different opportunities and career, you will still find time to simply send a way of communication.
Remembering your old moments with friends and cherishing it forever is a way to preserve our friendship. The moment that you both watch the stars in the sky and wish on a shooting star, the time that you both showered in the rain, the first Christmas that you both spend eating your favorite meal, the first time that you feel in love and your first heartbreak, he was there on your graduation day, he was with you on the time that you could not choose on what course you would take in college, the first to congratulates you on your first job, he would be the first to ask you a treat from your first salary, aside from your family he is also the first one who knows the one you will marry, and above all he is always there when your so down and left by the world.
Remembering your old moments with friends and cherishing it forever is a way to preserve our friendship. The moment that you both watch the stars in the sky and wish on a shooting star, the time that you both showered in the rain, the first Christmas that you both spend eating your favorite meal, the first time that you feel in love and your first heartbreak, he was there on your graduation day, he was with you on the time that you could not choose on what course you would take in college, the first to congratulates you on your first job, he would be the first to ask you a treat from your first salary, aside from your family he is also the first one who knows the one you will marry, and above all he is always there when your so down and left by the world.
Accepting a person to be your friend also means accepting his demerits, although you do not tend to be influence by him. Remember that he also accepted your demerits. We always love them unconditionally and this love is an example of an unconditional love. We always wish them health, happiness, prosperity, beauty, and love. We always wish for them all good things.

Friendship doesn’t mean that your belief is always mutual sometimes they are also the person whom you always dispute with and because they know more about you, they are sometimes your greatest enemy and competitor, but above all if the both of you will give way to one another you could be a better team.Hurts in friendship deepen into wounds and a good friend can be lost forever. Taking the first move to apologize and say sorry even though you do not start it is a form of valuing friendship and expressing your love. And that’s the best way to value friendship.