Product endorsements and commercials of different product that promises these dreams are all over the market, the new technologies that assure bloodless surgery in a minute are rampantly endorsed. While this may be the fulfillment for the bareness of some, they don’t realize that they are now subjected as self-lovers, self-centered, self-absorbed or selfish. Though some may disagree this is the fact, we tend to look good not to be physically healthy and fit but for us to be admired and accepted by the people and our society.
As we trend in this world wherein the center of self esteems and confident is the look we didn’t notice that we are destroying our body and soul; due to the excessive willingness to lose weight some may practice diet, they will be in a hurry to have the result to the point of ignoring their needed meal for a day.

Alternative option is going to gym and doing heavy routine exercises for faster result. In the eagerness of some to have a good appearance especially in their works and profession they are taking steroids, some athlete, models, actors and actresses lean on these enhancement drugs for their career excusing they don’t have time to go to the gym.

While these people are aware of its negative effect thus they simply overlook to it. Selfishness to oneself arises; we are forcing our body to react on what we want not thinking we are simply created that way. Love of oneself can also be the foundation of being boastful, proud, abusive, lovers of pleasure and money, without self-control, brutal, treacherous, rash, and disobedient to parents because they would think that they have no imperfections. Remember that our body is Gods temple, it is his reflection, and it’s the most precious gift that we could ever receive.